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** WhatsApp Business Owners Group (
** Jan 21 Meeting Recap (#info)
** Announcements & Invites
** About the merchant organizing project
The Hamilton Heights Business Alliance* is a project of Harlem One Stop. Harlem One Stop has attracted new visitors and shoppers, hosted outdoor events, and beautified our streets for more than a decade. We look forward to expanding our advocacy efforts and bringing additional resources to Hamilton Heights in partnership with our dedicated business owners.
Contractor, 2024 NYC Small Business Services “Merchant Organizing” grant.
Business owners are invited! Locations: between 135th - 155th Streets, Hamilton Heights, West Harlem
** Sign Up for consultations (at your business) and workshops (#best)
** Opportunity: Welcome interns to work at your business (wages provided by partner organization) (#work)
** Commercial lease - pro bono lawyer (#lease)
** Meeting Notes
The group discussed the city's crime-fighting strategies, focusing on narcotics enforcement and forged plate arrests. The precinct has seen success with six neighborhood coordination officers, conducting nine operations, including three narcotics operations. The city's extensive camera system, including license plate readers, has aided in reducing auto thefts.
Captain Cary Rose appreciates the willingness of store owners to assist investigations with in-store CCTV recordings. Hot spots for crime include 140-144 Street. The meeting also addressed issues of robberies in cash-accepting businesses, the installation of panic buttons, and the management of homeless individuals.
Officers encourage participation of businesses in “Build the Block” meetings, monthly conversations of community members with NCO (Neighborhood Coordination Officers). The 30th Precinct has 3 neighborhood sectors - view map & contacts: Most meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month.<
NYPD expressed a desire to be in touch with businesses experiencing robberies or other issues. They welcome an opportunity to visit businesses and share suggestions and information about crime prevention; and, Harlem One Stop can help coordinate. Richard (NYS Assemblymember office) suggested that the group facilitate collaboration between block associations and local businesses as a way to share information and strategies in smaller areas.
Representatives from the following businesses were in attendance: D7 City Council, Shaun Abreu / Comedy in Harlem / Crispin’s / Harlem One Stop / NYC Small Business Services / NYPD NYS Assembly, Al Taylor / Patrick’s on the Hill / Printing Depot.
The meeting transcript is available upon request.
** NYPD 30th Precinct Contacts
Captain Cary Rose
(texting is preferred)
tel: 929-270-7203
email: [email protected]
Jeremy Stumer
Crime Prevention Officer
tel: 917-239-2787
email: [email protected]
Sign up 30th Precinct news (
Follow @NYPD30Pct on X (
January 21, 2025 Meeting
Hamilton Heights Business Alliance
Business owners networked with NYPD officers and one another. The group enjoyed Patrick’s on the Hill’s delectable food.
** Hamilton Heights Business Alliance
** Potluck & Community Networking
** February 18th at 4PM
** RSVP Today! (mailto:[email protected]?subject=RSVP&body=)
Street Corner resources is preparing and matching local businesses with interns who will work for you for up to 20 hours per week. Learn more and be a part of a vital way to contribute to the health and vitality of the neighborhood!
Sandra-May Flowers
Tel: 646-856-2912 (tel:6468562912)
Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=&body=)
Worksite Application Form > (
** New York City Small Business Services Resources
** View all workshops (
Taller lun, 3 feb 2025 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
En linea, Gratis
** Finanzas Empresariales 1
La administración financiera puede ser la parte más intimidante de dirigir un negocio. El objetivo de este curso es revelar que no tiene que ser intimidante.Destinado a emprendedores que no están familiarizados con la gestión financiera empresarial, Finanzas Empresariales1 presenta sus términos y conceptos clave en el lenguaje diario.
Registrarse (
Tuesday, February 11 · 9:30am - 1pm
** Merchant Organizing Conference
Let’s go! Join small business leaders from across NYC to learn techniques to organize merchants in your community and build your collective power. REGISTER > (
Hamilton Heights Business Alliance has arranged for (up to) 5 business owners to receive in-store / onsite advice about licenses, permits, inspections, and more. Consultants, Aangel Pagan & Stanton Sanichar, are former city inspectors. They now help businesses avoid fines, find solutions for city regulations, and save money. All visits and discussions are held in strict confidence.
Sign up for a meeting (
Shown in this photo: NYC BEST Advisors visit and advise a restaurant about how to avoid fines and find solutions to some outstanding issues.
** Is your lease up for renewal this year?
Call or email us to arrange a PRO BONO lawyer. The free legal assistance can include negotiating, reviewing a rental agreement, and more.
Call Jenn and Arelis: Tel: 646-543-6205 / Email: [email protected] (tel:6465436205)
------------------------------------------------------------ Follow @hamiltonheightsbiz ( Website (
mailto:[email protected] Email (mailto:[email protected])
(*|ARCHIVE|*) #whats ** WhatsApp Business Owners Group ( ------------------------------------------------------------ #info ** Jan 21 Meeting Recap (#info) ------------------------------------------------------------ #nycsbs ** Announcements & Invites ------------------------------------------------------------ ** About the merchant organizing project ------------------------------------------------------------ The Hamilton Heights Business Alliance* is a project of Harlem One Stop. Harlem One Stop has attracted new visitors and shoppers, hosted outdoor events, and beautified our streets for more than a decade. We look forward to expanding our advocacy efforts and bringing additional resources to Hamilton Heights in partnership with our dedicated business owners. Contractor, 2024 NYC Small Business Services “Merchant Organizing” grant. Business owners are invited! Locations: between 135th - 155th Streets, Hamilton Heights, West Harlem #best ** Sign Up for consultations (at your business) and workshops (#best) ------------------------------------------------------------ #work ** Opportunity: Welcome interns to work at your business (wages provided by partner organization) (#work) ------------------------------------------------------------ #lease ** Commercial lease - pro bono lawyer (#lease) ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Meeting Notes ------------------------------------------------------------ The group discussed the city's crime-fighting strategies, focusing on narcotics enforcement and forged plate arrests. The precinct has seen success with six neighborhood coordination officers, conducting nine operations, including three narcotics operations. The city's extensive camera system, including license plate readers, has aided in reducing auto thefts. Captain Cary Rose appreciates the willingness of store owners to assist investigations with in-store CCTV recordings. Hot spots for crime include 140-144 Street. The meeting also addressed issues of robberies in cash-accepting businesses, the installation of panic buttons, and the management of homeless individuals. Officers encourage participation of businesses in “Build the Block” meetings, monthly conversations of community members with NCO (Neighborhood Coordination Officers). The 30th Precinct has 3 neighborhood sectors - view map & contacts: Most meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month.< NYPD expressed a desire to be in touch with businesses experiencing robberies or other issues. They welcome an opportunity to visit businesses and share suggestions and information about crime prevention; and, Harlem One Stop can help coordinate. Richard (NYS Assemblymember office) suggested that the group facilitate collaboration between block associations and local businesses as a way to share information and strategies in smaller areas. Representatives from the following businesses were in attendance: D7 City Council, Shaun Abreu / Comedy in Harlem / Crispin’s / Harlem One Stop / NYC Small Business Services / NYPD NYS Assembly, Al Taylor / Patrick’s on the Hill / Printing Depot. The meeting transcript is available upon request. ** NYPD 30th Precinct Contacts ------------------------------------------------------------ Captain Cary Rose (texting is preferred) tel: 929-270-7203 email: [email protected] Jeremy Stumer Crime Prevention Officer tel: 917-239-2787 email: [email protected] Sign up 30th Precinct news ( Follow @NYPD30Pct on X ( January 21, 2025 Meeting Hamilton Heights Business Alliance Business owners networked with NYPD officers and one another. The group enjoyed Patrick’s on the Hill’s delectable food. ** Hamilton Heights Business Alliance ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Potluck & Community Networking ------------------------------------------------------------ ** February 18th at 4PM ------------------------------------------------------------ ** ------------------------------------------------------------ ** RSVP Today! (mailto:[email protected]?subject=RSVP&body=) ------------------------------------------------------------ ** ------------------------------------------------------------ Street Corner resources is preparing and matching local businesses with interns who will work for you for up to 20 hours per week. Learn more and be a part of a vital way to contribute to the health and vitality of the neighborhood! Contact Sandra-May Flowers Tel: 646-856-2912 (tel:6468562912) Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=&body=) Worksite Application Form > ( ** New York City Small Business Services Resources ------------------------------------------------------------ ** View all workshops ( ------------------------------------------------------------ Taller lun, 3 feb 2025 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM En linea, Gratis ** Finanzas Empresariales 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ La administración financiera puede ser la parte más intimidante de dirigir un negocio. El objetivo de este curso es revelar que no tiene que ser intimidante.Destinado a emprendedores que no están familiarizados con la gestión financiera empresarial, Finanzas Empresariales1 presenta sus términos y conceptos clave en el lenguaje diario. Registrarse ( Tuesday, February 11 · 9:30am - 1pm ** Merchant Organizing Conference ------------------------------------------------------------ Let’s go! Join small business leaders from across NYC to learn techniques to organize merchants in your community and build your collective power. REGISTER > ( ** ------------------------------------------------------------ Hamilton Heights Business Alliance has arranged for (up to) 5 business owners to receive in-store / onsite advice about licenses, permits, inspections, and more. Consultants, Aangel Pagan & Stanton Sanichar, are former city inspectors. They now help businesses avoid fines, find solutions for city regulations, and save money. All visits and discussions are held in strict confidence. Sign up for a meeting ( Shown in this photo: NYC BEST Advisors visit and advise a restaurant about how to avoid fines and find solutions to some outstanding issues. BE ONE OF FIVE NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESSES TO PARTICIPATE! ( ** Is your lease up for renewal this year? ------------------------------------------------------------ ** ------------------------------------------------------------ Call or email us to arrange a PRO BONO lawyer. The free legal assistance can include negotiating, reviewing a rental agreement, and more. Call Jenn and Arelis: Tel: 646-543-6205 / Email: [email protected] (tel:6465436205) ** ------------------------------------------------------------ Follow @hamiltonheightsbiz ( Website ( mailto:[email protected] Email (mailto:[email protected])