Meeting Announcement Merchant Meeting Nov 24

Hamilton Heights Business Alliance

Tuesday November 19, 3 – 4 PM

Brisa Dominicana, 1764 Amsterdam Ave (147/148)

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Talk with Local Elected Officials about Business Issues

Preguntas y respuestas con funcionarios electos locales sobre cuestiones comerciales

Councilmember Shaun Abreu and NYS Assemblymember confirmed

Meet Your NYC SBS Contacts and Learn How Other Business Alliances are Succeeding

Meet NYC SBS Merchant Organizing Leaders and learn how what other neighborhood business alliances are achieving

Holiday Dining Promotion and Tree Lights

Promocion para Días Festivos y Luces de Arboles

Project Report

Informe de progreso


Networking and Conversation

Networking y conversación

On October 29, fourteen business owners met at Winnie Said to help launch the Hamilton Heights Business Alliance.

El 29 de octubre, catorce propietarios de negocios se reunieron en Winnie Said para ayudar a lanzar la Alianza Empresarial de Hamilton Heights.

Discussion Highlights:

Aspectos destacados

  • Overview of the project and benefits (Descripción general y beneficios del proyecto)
  • Timeline and Next Steps (Cronograma y próximos pasos)
  • Discussion of current challenges of operating business in the district (Discusión sobre los desafíos actuales de la operación de negocios en el distrito.)
  • Introduction and presentation, Francisco Marte (Founder, Bodega & Small Business Group) a small business safety advocate. (Introducción y presentación, Francisco Marte, un defensor de la seguridad de las pequeñas empresas.)